Monday, August 15, 2011

Fun in the Sun!

I love the 7 week possy group! Somebody asked if anyone knew of any FHEs that were happening. Since neither me nor my roommates can actually figure out who our FHE group is (Rexburg is really disorganized in the summer), I was really interested in the answer, esp. when someone posted that their Stake was going tubing down the river! My roommate Kara and I went and we had a blast( though we did freeze in the icey water)! Then after the river there was a barbecue and a bonfire. The guys chopped down some trees and threw them in the fire and we got to watch carpenter ants scrambling trying to save the larva and themselves from the flames. I am so glad that my roommate found this 7 week possy group! :) :) :)

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