Monday, August 15, 2011


Sometimes people at BYU Idaho really crack make me laugh. I joined a group called Seven Week Possy that posts different activities going on so that everyone can participate (this is where my roommate found out about the group going to the BMX competition that I went to on Saturday, it was awesome for those of you who are wondering! I got to see someone do a backflip on their bike out of the pool! ). Anywho back to what makes me laugh, you would not believe the number of people posting a responding to blind dates! It is so funny! They actually got so many that they have now created a separate group specifically for that purpose! Some of the comments on them are pretty funny too. For instance one had an argument going about whether a girl can help pay for a date or not, with the guys arguing against and the girls arguing for. One guy said no because it was emasculating. I like to read all the posts just because they provide some good laughs! :)


Bri... only she said...

i want to know why emasculate means to de-man a guy and effeminate means less manly as well ... English makes no sense

Tay Tay said...

Cause we women like to let men think its all about them. ;) Keeps them happy.

Grant said...

I'm so glad you're finding this kind of stuff out there. It's so important to stay social! You are really good at making friends. :) :)